Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Computer Modem Died...But It's Been Replaced! Part 3!

Sorry for the back to the pics!

Following the cousin's rental van to Florida. They saw I had camera in hand and decided to wave!

Watching Shayla. On the way home, I sat in the back there with her. She liked it much better. Flying the next time...gotta be smokin' crack to enjoy that long drive!

Tennessee state sign.
Georgia state sign. I swear that Georgia has more billboards than I have ever seen in my life! Oh and downtown Atlanta is simply beautiful at night, but the drivers there are out of control! I've never been so nervous just riding in a car!

Florida state sign.
Disney World signs.

Various shots of us!
Shayla was afraid of the characters if they were too close. Here she refused to even watch the parade. I guess 2 1/2 is too young!

1 comment:

Carolin said...

Great pictures! Looks like a fun time!