My Mom and I went shopping for a chair/glider for the baby's room. I found one that I liked, as far as color and comfort, but I also found a list of comments from others who have this same chair. Half the comments are good and half are bad. Maybe I should keep looking. Here is what the chair looks like. It's hard to tell here, but it's a light green and white gingham (checkered) design.

Two of Mark's friends came over earlier. One is pretty active in a band and is interested in possibly recording one of (or part of) a song that Mark wrote years ago. They are going to the studio on Monday to see how it works out. I think it's neat that the guy liked it so much that many years ago that he remembered it and now might want to use it. Geez, I hope Shayla has some sort of talent...or that her daddy can teach her some of the talents that he has! I have!
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